iTYPECOACH – A Different Way to Coach


Perhaps you're asking yourself what makes iTYPECOACH training different from others. Well, over the past 25 years, we have been in contact with a wide range of trainers and coaches. They all agree that the current market is flooded with different options, making it difficult to find the right high-quality training. 

iTYPECOACH training bundles senior coaches Frieder Barth and Gaby Hinrichs‘s knowledge and long-standing experience with the vigor of young coaches into a unique learning experience. The wide methodical range gives the coach a deeper under­standing of the coachee, which makes this training something truly special. We contin­u­ously incor­porate the latest neuro­logical research findings in our trainings. State-of-the-art forms of learning guarantee the deepening of knowledge, giving you the confi­dence to coaching. 

Our commitment

We are committed to offering you a unique coaching training which …

  • links coaching and iTYPE – as an ideal completion for greater efficiency and soundness in coaching;
  • … rests upon the latest findings in science and research;
  • … favors positive psychology;
  • … is certified by the European Coaching Associ­ation.

    Your learning success and transfer

    In order to guarantee success, we …

    • … hold an in-person meeting so that individual prior­ities may be set,
    • … hand out clear, under­standable, important and relevant coaching tools,
    • … provide added value through manifold training sequences,
    • … support you with accom­panied self-experience, coaching for yourself and peer groups throughout the training period,
    • … complete the coaching training with documented case studies as well as video and live coachings.

      Application in life and business coaching

      To use iTYPE as a tool for perceptual person­ality identi­fi­cation, this training offers a special USP for market entry, especially for your future work as a coach. The many coaching techniques provided in the training are directly linked to the person­ality model under­lying iTYPE, creating an integral, systemic, and person­ality-oriented approach. As a result, your coaching will be unique and special.

      The pillars of our training 

      • 17 days of in-person atten­dance distributed over 5 weekends (3 days each), plus 2 days of certi­fi­cation completion
      • schedule: Fridays 10 – 18 hrs., Saturdays 9 – 18 hrs., Sundays 9 – 16 hrs.
      • fee: €8,950.0 plus VAT (includes atten­dance fees and learning materials; does not include travel and accom­mo­dation expenses)
      • attendees: approx­i­mately 10 participants
      • partic­i­pation requisite: previous in-person meeting with one of our professionals

      Made for Professionals, by Professionals 

      We are highly motivated profes­sionals with a great deal of knowledge and training experience regarding iTYPE person­ality tests in coaching. We will be glad to share our knowhow, experience, and enthu­siasm with you. We see ourselves as captains of a ship helping you steer from the harbor into the open ocean. We will provide you with the tools to navigate any rough seas with your coachees and to set the sails in any weather without losing sight of the goal ahead. 

      Our winning formula: a fine-tuned mix of in-person events, online webinars, and peer group meetings will make you fit for your start as a life and business coach.

      Inter­ested? Then have a look in detail at our curriculum. Click on the button and download the corre­sponding PDF file.

      Feel like becoming an iTYPECOACH?

      Click here to apply:

      Are you interested in using iTYPE in your enterprise?

      Want to learn more about perceptual person­ality identi­fi­cation? Would you like to use iTYPE in your enter­prise or become an iTYPE coach yourself?

      We will be glad to answer your questions and answer any questions you may have.

      Write us

      i‑TYPE GmbH
      Kleine Seiler­straße 1
      D‑20359 Hamburg