Certification as an iTYPE Personality Consultant
A digital format for experienced and quick thinkers

iTYPE is a perceptual and objective personality test that allows HR experts, trainers, and coaches to detect the strengths of their co-workers or clients. The iTYPE certification is a complimentary tool for experienced trainers and coaches. Personnel developers can also use the Strength Profilers to make sure that employees are used to their full potential. If you have experience with different personality models and are interested in a test that's fast, simple, and culture-independent, then iTYPE may be the tool for you.
When you become certified,you will obtain deeper insight into the measurement procedure and how to interpret the iTYPE approaches. Having this knowledge is one of iTYPE’s main advantages. You can confidently use this information in your training, coaching, or even when selecting staff. From leadership development and sales training to relationship design and conflict management, iTYPE can be used for various topics.
This certification applies your existing knowledge of personality diagnostics to iTYPE's background. Hence, it is a comprehensive tool for developing client and organization-tailored concepts.
The certification process as a digital format:
Initially, you will be given access to view your own iTYPE profile, which will then be evaluated with a phone call or virtual meeting.
Required reading
“The power of perception – on the laws of design, bases of construction and things WORTH noting on visual perception” – private study of the book “Vielfalt gewinnt (Variety Wins)”
Certification day
We will meet digitally on two consecutive mornings from 09:00 am — 02:00 pm. We will deepen what you have learnt in advance and prepare you for application in counselling, coaching and training situations.
The certification starts with an introduction to the iTYPE personality profiles. You will learn which levels iTYPE measures and how the 16 different personality profiles are made up. We will then familiarise you with the current state of research and focus on the basic approaches of the underlying PSI theory by Prof. Julius Kuhl. Exercises and case studies will qualify you for the use of iTYPE in counselling and coaching, in sales and negotiation training, in personnel and management development and in team development.
You will learn
- what is behind iTYPE – its historical and theoretical backgrounds
- the neuroscientific and neurobiological findings underlying iTYPE
- how the iTYPE Types Profiles are designed and how it's different from other personality tests
- the differences between iTYPE personalities and how to use these findings to communicate with different types
- how to interpret the Types Profilers’ inclination profile
- the iTYPE’s benefits and possibilities of employment
- how to explain and employ iTYPE in your coaching
- how iTYPE enriches your training concepts
At the end of the workshop day, you will receive 5 free TANs, in order to get some first experiences in evaluating the profiles.
Virtual Follow-Up
After 4 to 6 weeks, join your certification group for a 180-minute virtual meeting to discuss any challenges you have faced. You can also ask questions and discuss any deployment-oriented issues.
Also included with your certification
- the manual and other interesting documentation for follow-up
- the training set containing presentations, training guide, exercises, participants, and acquisition documentation
- iTYPE partner portal access for an autonomous generation of access TANs and the organization of your own projects
- marketing support through the official iTYPE website
- marketing and practice materials (image brochure, flyer)
- regular exchange of experiences for iTYPE personality consultant
- individual support through the iTYPE hotline for personal questions and challenges
Upon successful completion of the certification workshop, you will receive an iTYPE Personality Consultant Certificate. You can use the partner portal on i‑TYPE GmbH to order the iTYPE Profilers and to invoice your clients for your coaching and seminars.
Target group and certification requirements
Working with the iTYPE personality profiles can be challenging, which is why iTYPE Certification is meant for experienced and certified trainers, coaches, and personal developers. In addition, you should already be working in coaching and human development and have knowledge about personality models.
Your invest
1.150,00 € plus VAT
These costs include a personal iTYPE Professional Profile for each participant prior to the digital certification workshop, as well as the book “Vielfalt gewinnt (Variety Wins)” and 10 free TANs.
We will be glad to arrange a conversation with you and clarify any questions you may.
Coming up…
English language certifications are currently available upon request only.
Interested in becoming an iTYPE personality consultant?
Click here to apply:
Are you interested in using iTYPE in your enterprise?
Let’s talk about your possibilities. Please contact us.
We will be pleased to answer any questions you may have.
Write us
Kleine Seilerstraße 1
D‑20359 Hamburg