The Origins of iTYPE

Biologist and perception researcher Dr Alexander Ribowski and coach and therapist Frieder Barth jointly developed a test based on visual perception that would reflect several aspects of the human person­ality. They sought to create a test based on the theoretical scien­tific findings from Gestalt Psychology and neuroaes­thetics while also incor­po­rating key features of design and adver­tising effec­tiveness research. That’s why iTYPE uses visual elements to evaluate participants.

This is how they developed the first version of iTYPE. This prelim­inary work became the basis for a success story. Since then, iTYPE has contin­u­ously developed, evaluated, and contributed new fields of appli­cation. Currently, four profilers are available, each with a special analytical focus on different target groups and contexts.

Scientific influences of iTYPE 

Neuro­science has shown, that a large part of our perception is influ­enced and controlled by visual stimuli. From a total of 11 million stimuli per second, only 40 reach our conscience. This is due to our brains ability to selective attention to which we also owe our speed of action and reaction.

Today we know that these "pre-filtering-processes", and therefor our corre­sponding judgments and our reactions as well, are not driven by seperate areas of the brain but by an interplay of complex networks. Hence we assume that each of us has distinct network struc­tures and cognitive processes that are reflected by our behavior and "being".

Here you may find further infor­mation concerning iTYPE’s scien­tific background: