Identify strengths – with the iTYPE profilers

The evalu­ation of the iTYPE person­ality test allows you to set different prior­ities according to the charac­ter­istics relevant to you in a given context. iTYPE offers you a number of different “strengths profilers”, each of which focuses on special person­ality traits and system­at­i­cally detects strengths and incli­na­tions belonging to that area.

We contin­u­ously develop the iTYPE profilers and test proce­dures behind them further, based on the latest scien­tific findings and as a result of the feedback provided by our users.

iTYPE Leadership Profiler

iTYPE Sales Profiler

iTYPE Professional Profiler

iTYPE Small Profiler

Each human being is unique. Hence, a classi­fi­cation into person­ality types means a simpli­fi­cation, which uses similar­ities in our ways of thinking and behavior to depict the complex­ities of person­al­ities more tangibly and graphically.