The Origins of iTYPE

Biologist and perception researcher Dr Alexander Ribowski and coach and therapist Frieder Barth jointly developed a test based on visual perception that would reflect several aspects of the human person­ality. They sought to create a test based on the theoretical scien­tific findings from Gestalt Psychology while also incor­po­rating key features of design and adver­tising effec­tiveness research. That’s why iTYPE uses visual elements to evaluate participants.

This is how they developed the first version of iTYPE. This prelim­inary work became the basis for a success story. Since then, iTYPE has contin­u­ously developed, evaluated, and contributed new fields of appli­cation. Currently, four strengths profilers are available, each with a special analytical focus on different target groups and contexts.

The Scientific Findings of iTYPE 

The latest neuro­sci­en­tific findings show that our perception and thought patterns are deter­mined by over 95 percent by visual stimuli. That means many of our decisions are not made consciously. Instead those decisions are based on uncon­scious perception processes taking place in our brain. 

iTYPE takes these findings into consid­er­ation and relates them to principles from Gestalt and cognitive psychology, thus making the uncon­scious perception processes trans­parent. Together with the scien­tific work by Prof Dr Julius Kuhl, a motivation researcher at the University of Osnabrück, Germany, these findings constitute a sound neuro­sci­en­tific explanatory approach which is the groundwork for the description of the iTYPE types profiles.

Here you may find further infor­mation concerning iTYPE’s scien­tific background: